This field displays the report of the scan: dates and times of start and end, informations on the infected files, and numbers of verified, infected, suspect, and disinfected files.
Use this popup menu to select the volume (hard disk, floppy disk, Syquest‚Ñ¢, etc.) to scan.
Use the “All Volumes” item to select all available volumes for the scan.
Not available if a scan is already being performed.
Indicates the numbers of verified, infected, suspect, and disinfected files.
The progress bar monitors the progress of the scan. Below are displayed the names of the currently scanned files.
A lock here indicates that the current volume is locked: the scan will be limited to a verification.
To allow the vaccination (of disinfected files only), click this box.
Not available if the “Search and removal” option is not selected, the selected volume is locked, or a scan is already being performed.
To verify and disinfect the files of the selected volume, click this button.
Not available if the selected volume is locked, or a scan is already being performed.
To verify, but not disinfect, the files of the selected volume, click this button.
Not available if a scan is already being performed.
To eject the current volume, click this button.
Not available if the current volume is not ejectable, or is being scanned.
To stop the currently proceeding scan, click this button.
Not available if no scan is being performed.
To select the next volume, click this button.
Not available if only one volume is available, or if a scan is being performed.
To scan all files contained in the current volume, click this button (or press the Return or Enter key).
Not available if a scan is already being performed.
A surprising property of a computer program. A bug can be changed to a feature by documenting it.